/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- IMPORTANT NOTICE IF YOU USE MODIFIED .CON FILES If you are playing a MULTIPLAY game (Dukematch or Co-op) and you are using *modified* .CON files (USER.CON, GAME.CON, DEFS.CON), then each multiplayer must be using the EXACT SAME .CON files, or the game will get out of sync and/or develop other problems. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Duke Nukem 3D Update by Todd Replogle SHAREWARE VERSION v1.1 þ Red Trooper doesn't 'beam' away as much, and don't respawn into walls. þ The BLAST RADIUSES for various weapons are redefinable. þ Respawn times have been split into two separate variables, RESPAWNACTORTIME and RESPAWNITEMTIME. þ Duke's running speed/friction is redefinable. þ Minor weapon hit point balance adjustments. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SHAREWARE VERSION v1.0 This file is designed to allow users to modify certain parameters within the game that affect Duke, his weapons, actors and their weapons, sound fx, system messages, etc. 3D Realms encourages you to experiment freely with the parameters contained in this file, and to share your discoveries with the rest of the world. However, BE ADVISED that 3D Realms does NOT offer any technical support on how to use this file or other user-modifiable features of this game. Do NOT call 3D Realms or Apogee Software for advice or help with this subject. You make modifications to this and other files at your own risk. It is recommended that you first make a backup copy of the game before making any changes. Finally, be aware that this is the SHAREWARE VERSION of Duke Nukem 3D. The complete REGISTERED VERSION on CDROM contains a more complete set of useful and interesting tools to enable you to make many more significant changes to the game, including a level and art editor which allows you to create your own maps. TECH FACTS YOU SHOULD KNOW: The game expects to find the file USER.CON in its directory. So, if you make changes and rename it for safe keeping or for sharing with friends, be sure to rename it back to USER.CON before using it with the game. Other tech facts are scattered throughout the rest of this file. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ // ****************** // MISC GAME SETTINGS // ****************** define MAXPLAYERHEALTH 999 define MAXPLAYERATOMICHEALTH 200 // doubles as maxarmor. define DOUBLEMAXPLAYERHEALTH MAXPLAYERATOMICHEALTH define STARTARMORHEALTH 0 define RETRIEVEDISTANCE 844 define DEFAULTVISIBILITY 512 define GENERICIMPACTDAMAGE 10 define MAXPISTOLAMMO 999 define MAXSHOTGUNAMMO 999 define MAXCHAINGUNAMMO 999 define MAXRPGAMMO 999 define MAXHANDBOMBAMMO 999 define MAXSHRINKERAMMO 50 define MAXFLAMETHROWERAMMO 99 define MAXTRIPBOMBAMMO 10 define RESPAWNACTORTIME 768 define RESPAWNITEMTIME 768 define RUNNINGSPEED 60000 define PLAYDEADTIME 120 define SHRUNKCOUNT 270 define SHRUNKDONECOUNT 304 // Various blasting radius distances. define RPGBLASTRADIUS 5000 define PIPEBOMBRADIUS 3000 define SHRINKERBLASTRADIUS 2048 define TRIPBOMBBLASTRADIUS 3880 define MORTERBLASTRADIUS 2500 define BOUNCEMINEBLASTRADIUS 2500 define SEENINEBLASTRADIUS 2048 gamestartup DEFAULTVISIBILITY GENERICIMPACTDAMAGE MAXPLAYERHEALTH STARTARMORHEALTH RESPAWNACTORTIME RESPAWNITEMTIME RUNNINGSPEED RPGBLASTRADIUS PIPEBOMBRADIUS SHRINKERBLASTRADIUS TRIPBOMBBLASTRADIUS MORTERBLASTRADIUS BOUNCEMINEBLASTRADIUS SEENINEBLASTRADIUS MAXPISTOLAMMO MAXSHOTGUNAMMO MAXCHAINGUNAMMO MAXRPGAMMO MAXHANDBOMBAMMO MAXSHRINKERAMMO MAXFLAMETHROWERAMMO MAXTRIPBOMBAMMO // Weapon Strengths define KNEE_WEAPON_STRENGTH 50 define PISTOL_WEAPON_STRENGTH 90 // Adds rand()%5 (0 to 5) define HANDBOMB_WEAPON_STRENGTH 200 // For direct hits with the rocket launcher, // this amount is actually doubled. Otherwise, // damage values depend on distance. The // further, the weaker. define RPG_WEAPON_STRENGTH 400 define SHRINKER_WEAPON_STRENGTH 0 define SHOTGUN_WEAPON_STRENGTH 200 define CHAINGUN_WEAPON_STRENGTH 100 define FLAMETHROWER_WEAPON_STRENGTH 10 define COOL_EXPLOSION_STRENGTH 70 define TRIPBOMB_STRENGTH 100 define FIRELASER_WEAPON_STRENGTH 7 define MORTER_WEAPON_STRENGTH 50 define BOUNCEMINE_WEAPON_STRENGTH 150 define SPIT_WEAPON_STRENGTH 8 define BULLET_WEAPON_STRENGTH 80 // Enemy strengths (hit points). define TROOPSTRENGTH 30 define PIGCOPSTRENGTH 100 define PIG_SHIELD_AMOUNT1 75 define PIG_SHIELD_AMOUNT2 50 define LIZSTRENGTH 60 define LIZGETTINGDAZEDAT 15 define LIZEATINGPLAYER -2 define JELLYSTRENGTH 175 define JELLYSCRATCHINGPLAYER -11 define RECONSTRENGTH 50 define TURRETSTRENGTH 30 define ROTTURRETSTRENGTH 40 define DRONESTRENGTH 20 define SNAKESTRENGTH 50 define CAPTAINSTRENGTH 50 define CAPTSPINNINGPLAYER -5 define FATGUYSTRENGTH 120 define PISTOLAMMOAMOUNT 500 define SHOTGUNAMMOAMOUNT 500 define CHAINGUNAMMOAMOUNT 400 define RPGAMMOBOX 100 define CRYSTALAMMOAMOUNT 1 define FUELAMMOAMOUNT 25 define HANDBOMBBOX 5 define BOSS1STRENGTH 4500 define BOSS2SMALLDUKESTRENGTH 1500 define BOSS2LARGEDUKESTRENGTH 1500 define BOSS3STRENGTH 2000 // Miscellaneous strengths. define WEAKEST 1 define WEAK 5 define MEDIUMSTRENGTH 10 define TOUGH 20 define REALLYTOUGH 30 define HBOMBTOUGH 100 define GOTTASMART 90 define BOMBTOUGH 100 // Players' inventory amounts. define STEROID_AMOUNT 400 define SHIELD_AMOUNT 100 define SCUBA_AMOUNT 6400 define HOLODUKE_AMOUNT 2400 define JETPACK_AMOUNT 5000 define BODYSUIT_AMOUNT 1600 define HEAT_AMOUNT 1200 define FIRSTAID_AMOUNT 100 define BOOT_AMOUNT 200 define SPAWNAMMOODDS 96 // Maximum quote size is 64 characters. definequote 0 AUTO AIMING definequote 1 MANUAL AIMING / SNIPER MODE! definequote 2 ACTIVATED definequote 3 MEDKIT definequote 4 LOCKED definequote 5 GIVING EVERYTHING! definequote 6 BOOTS definequote 7 WASTED! definequote 8 UNLOCKED definequote 9 A HIDDEN FUCKING PLACE! definequote 10 YOU FUCKIN RETARD! definequote 11 ALL DOORS UNLOCKED definequote 12 USED STEROIDS definequote 13 PRESS THE FUCKING SPACE TO RESTART LEVEL definequote 14 n/a definequote 15 DEACTIVATED definequote 16 SWITCH OPERATED ONLY! definequote 17 FUCKING GOD MODE DUDE! definequote 18 NOT GOD MODE DUDE definequote 19 ALL BETTER definequote 20 CROSSHAIR OFF definequote 21 CROSSHAIR ON definequote 22 YOU CAN FUCKING CHEAT ASSHOLE! definequote 23 MESSAGES: ON definequote 24 MESSAGES: OFF definequote 25 TYPE THE CHEAT CODE: definequote 26 DETAIL: LOW definequote 27 DETAIL: HIGH definequote 28 LOADING QUICK GAME... definequote 29 BRIGHTNESS LEVEL: ONE definequote 30 BRIGHTNESS LEVEL: TWO definequote 31 BRIGHTNESS LEVEL: THREE definequote 32 BRIGHTNESS LEVEL: FOUR definequote 33 BRIGHTNESS LEVEL: FIVE definequote 34 SOUND: ON definequote 35 SOUND: OFF definequote 36 SCREEN CAPTURED definequote 37 JOCK MODE! definequote 38 ARMOR definequote 39 SCUBA GEAR definequote 40 Press F1 for Help definequote 41 FUCKING JETPACK definequote 42 BODY SUIT definequote 43 ACCESS CARD definequote 44 MOUSE AIMING OFF definequote 45 MOUSE AIMING ON definequote 46 CHEAT CODE: UNRECOGNIZED definequote 47 HOLODUKE ON definequote 48 HOLODUKE OFF definequote 49 NO FUCKING HOLODUKE! definequote 50 NO FUCKING JETPACK! definequote 51 HOLODUKE definequote 52 JETPACK ON definequote 53 JETPACK OFF definequote 54 OHHHH SHIT! CHAINGUN definequote 55 NICE RAGE NICE definequote 56 R P MOTHER FUCKING G! definequote 57 YES THE SHOTGUN! definequote 58 LASER TRIPBOMB! definequote 59 FLAMETHROWER! definequote 60 SHRINKER! definequote 61 SMALL MEDKIT: +10 definequote 62 LARGE MEDKIT: +30 definequote 63 AMMO FOR CHAINGUN CANNON! definequote 64 I GOT THE SHIT FOR RPG! definequote 65 I GOT THE SHIT FOR PISTOL! definequote 66 AMMO FOR FLAMETHROWER! definequote 67 BOOTS OFF definequote 68 BOOTS ON definequote 69 I GOT THE SHIT FOR SHOTGUN definequote 70 BLUE ACCESS CARD REQUIRED definequote 71 RED ACCESS CARD REQUIRED definequote 72 YELLOW ACCESS CARD REQUIRED definequote 73 WEAPON LOWERED definequote 74 WEAPON RAISED definequote 75 PROTECTIVE BOOTS ON definequote 76 SCUBA GEAR ON definequote 77 SPACE SUIT ON definequote 78 AMMO FOR SHRINKER definequote 79 BUY MAJOR STRYKER definequote 80 MIGHTY FOOT ENGAGED definequote 81 WEAPON MODE ON definequote 82 WEAPON MODE OFF definequote 83 FOLLOW MODE OFF definequote 84 FOLLOW MODE ON definequote 85 RUN MODE OFF definequote 86 RUN MODE ON definequote 87 SPACE SUIT definequote 88 JET PACK definequote 89 AIRTANK definequote 90 STEROIDS definequote 91 HOLODUKE definequote 92 MUSIC: ON definequote 93 MUSIC: OFF definequote 94 SCROLL MODE: ON definequote 95 SCROLL MODE: OFF definequote 96 BRIGHTNESS LEVEL: SIX definequote 97 BRIGHTNESS LEVEL: SEVEN definequote 98 BRIGHTNESS LEVEL: EIGHT definequote 99 REGISTER COSMO TODAY! definequote 100 n/a definequote 101 NIGHT VISION GOGGLES definequote 102 WE'RE GONNA FRY YOUR FUCKIN ASS, NUKEM! definequote 103 SCREEN SAVED definequote 104 GOT USED ARMOR definequote 105 PIRATES SUCK! definequote 106 NIGHT VISION ON definequote 107 NIGHT VISION OFF definequote 108 YOU'RE BURNING! definequote 109 VIEW MODE OFF definequote 110 VIEW MODE ON definequote 111 n/a definequote 112 CLIPPING: ON definequote 113 CLIPPING: OFF definequote 114 !!! INCORRECT VERSION !!! definequote 115 definequote 116 definequote 117 // Level file names cannot excede 13 characters. // Level par cannot excede 5 characters (min:sec) // Level titles cannot excede 32 characters. definelevelname 0 0 E1L1.map 01:45 00:53 BEN'S FUCKING HOLOCAUST! definelevelname 0 1 E1L2.map 05:10 03:21 RED LIGHT IS BROKEN SO GO! definelevelname 0 2 E1L3.map 05:35 03:41 HOMO HEAVEN! definelevelname 0 3 E1L4.map 07:20 04:40 PUSSYS LEVEL definelevelname 0 4 E1L5.map 09:10 05:00 THE FUCKING BORING LEVEL! definelevelname 0 5 E1L6.map 05:15 02:58 THE MASTURBASTION LEVEL! definelevelname 0 6 E1L7.map 00:00 00:00 BLANK definelevelname 0 7 E1L8.map 00:00 00:00 BLANK definelevelname 1 0 E2L1.map 00:00 00:00 n/a definelevelname 1 1 E2L2.map 00:00 00:00 n/a definelevelname 1 2 E2L3.map 00:00 00:00 n/a definelevelname 1 3 E2L4.map 00:00 00:00 n/a definelevelname 1 4 E2L5.map 00:00 00:00 n/a definelevelname 1 5 E2L6.map 00:00 00:00 n/a definelevelname 1 6 E2L7.map 00:00 00:00 n/a definelevelname 1 7 E2L8.map 00:00 00:00 n/a definelevelname 1 8 E2L9.map 00:00 00:00 n/a definelevelname 2 0 E3L1.map 00:00 00:00 n/a definelevelname 2 1 E3L2.map 00:00 00:00 n/a definelevelname 2 2 E3L3.map 00:00 00:00 n/a definelevelname 2 3 E3L4.map 00:00 00:00 n/a definelevelname 2 4 E3L5.map 00:00 00:00 n/a definelevelname 2 5 E3L6.map 00:00 00:00 n/a definelevelname 2 6 E3L7.map 00:00 00:00 n/a definelevelname 2 7 E3L8.map 00:00 00:00 n/a definelevelname 2 8 E3L9.map 00:00 00:00 n/a definelevelname 3 0 E4L1.map 00:00 00:00 n/a definelevelname 3 1 E4L2.map 00:00 00:00 n/a definelevelname 3 2 E4L3.map 00:00 00:00 n/a definelevelname 3 3 E4L4.map 00:00 00:00 n/a definelevelname 3 4 E4L5.map 00:00 00:00 n/a definelevelname 3 5 E4L6.map 00:00 00:00 n/a definelevelname 3 6 E4L7.map 00:00 00:00 n/a definelevelname 3 7 E4L8.map 00:00 00:00 n/a definelevelname 3 8 E4L9.map 00:00 00:00 USER FILE // Music will not play if the .MID file excedes 72000 bytes. // If you are an owner of a Gravis Ultrasound and wish to change the // MIDI files, you may want to delete the ULTRAMID.INI file that we // supply since it does not contain a full General MIDI patch set. // Deleting the ULTRAMID.INI will cause the game to use the file found // in your Ultrasound directory. Remember to keep a backup of ours, // or the music might not sound as good! // Music for title and end music 0 GRABBAG.MID ITSGREEN.MID // Music for the individual levels music 1 stalker.mid dethtoll.mid streets.mid watrwld1.mid snake1.mid thecall.mid whomp.mid graf.mid watrwld1.mid subway1.mid music 2 whomp.mid subway1.mid gotham.mid snake1.mid gotham.mid ahgeez.mid graf.mid watrwld1.mid subway1.mid music 3 itsgreen.mid watrwld1.mid subway1.mid myrtle.mid snake1.mid gotham.mid ahgeez.mid graf.mid watrwld1.mid subway1.mid music 4 itsgreen.mid watrwld1.mid subway1.mid myrtle.mid snake1.mid gotham.mid gotham.mid gotham.mid gotham.mid gotham.mid /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ABOUT CHANGING SOUND FX The sound fx section follows this explanation. 1. The program expects to find a .VOC file 2. You can either change the VOC name listed below to match your new sound, or you can rename your file to match the name here. 3. New sound files should be added to the game directory. Though all sound files shipped with the game are included inside the .GRP file, the program will know if there are sound files outside the .GRP file, and will use them instead. 4. The numbers that are to the right of the sound file name are technical parameters which will not be explained here, except as follows... - The first 2 numbers define a random pitch variation range. They can be positive or negative numbers. - The 3rd number is a priority flag. - The 4th number is a bit parsed set of technical variables that identify the type of sound it is in the game. - The 5th number is a volume adjustment flag. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ // ***************************************** // ACTOR SOUNDS // ***************************************** // Predator Trooper definesound PRED_ROAM roam06.voc 0 0 3 0 0 definesound PRED_ROAM2 roam58.voc 0 0 3 0 0 definesound PRED_RECOG predrg.voc 0 0 3 0 0 definesound PRED_ATTACK gblasr01.voc 256 256 3 0 7680 definesound PRED_PAIN predpn.voc 200 500 3 0 0 definesound PRED_DYING preddy.voc 0 400 3 0 0 definesound LIZARD_BEG chokn12.voc 0 0 3 0 0 // Lizard Captain definesound CAPT_ROAM predrm.voc 0 200 3 0 0 definesound CAPT_RECOG predrg.voc -400 0 3 0 0 definesound CAPT_ATTACK captat.voc 0 0 3 0 -200 definesound CAPT_PAIN predpn.voc -200 100 3 0 0 definesound CAPT_DYING preddy.voc -200 100 3 0 0 definesound LIZARD_SPIT lizspit.voc 0 0 0 0 0 // Pig Cop definesound PIG_ROAM roam29.voc -200 400 3 0 0 definesound PIG_ROAM2 roam67.voc -200 400 3 0 0 definesound PIG_ROAM3 pigrm.voc -200 400 3 0 0 definesound PIG_RECOG pigrg.voc -200 400 3 0 0 definesound PIG_ATTACK shotgun7.voc -256 256 4 0 0 definesound PIG_PAIN pigpn.voc 100 800 3 0 0 definesound PIG_DYING pigdy.voc -800 100 3 0 0 definesound PIG_CAPTURE_DUKE !pig.voc 0 0 255 8 0 // Recon car definesound RECO_ROAM jetpaki.voc 0 0 3 0 0 definesound RECO_RECOG pigrg.voc 0 0 3 0 0 definesound RECO_ATTACK gblasr01.voc 256 256 3 0 7680 definesound RECO_PAIN pigpn.voc 0 0 3 0 0 definesound RECO_DYING pigdy.voc 0 0 3 0 0 // Snake drone definesound SNAK_ROAM snakrm.voc 0 0 3 0 0 definesound SNAK_RECOG snakrg.voc 0 0 3 0 0 definesound SNAK_ATTACK1 snakatA.voc 0 0 3 0 0 definesound SNAK_ATTACK2 snakatB.voc 0 0 3 0 0 definesound SNAK_PAIN snakpn.voc 0 0 3 0 0 definesound SNAK_DYING snakdy.voc 0 0 3 0 0 // Fat Commander definesound COMM_ROAM commrm.voc 0 0 3 0 0 definesound COMM_RECOG commrg.voc 0 0 3 0 0 definesound COMM_ATTACK commat.voc 0 0 3 0 0 definesound COMM_PAIN commpn.voc 0 0 3 0 0 definesound COMM_DYING commdy.voc 0 0 3 0 0 definesound COMM_SPIN commsp.voc 0 0 3 0 0 // Octabrain definesound OCTA_ROAM octarm.voc -200 0 3 0 0 definesound OCTA_RECOG octarg.voc 0 0 3 0 0 definesound OCTA_ATTACK1 octaat1.voc 0 0 3 0 0 definesound OCTA_ATTACK2 octaat2.voc 0 600 3 0 0 definesound OCTA_PAIN octapn.voc -400 0 3 0 0 definesound OCTA_DYING octady.voc -400 -100 3 0 0 definesound WIERDSHOT_FLY octaat1.voc 0 0 3 0 0 // Organic turret definesound TURR_ROAM turrrm.voc 0 0 3 0 0 definesound TURR_RECOG turrrg.voc 0 0 3 0 0 definesound TURR_ATTACK turrat.voc 0 0 3 0 0 definesound TURR_PAIN turrpn.voc 0 0 3 0 0 definesound TURR_DYING turrdy.voc 0 0 3 0 0 // Green slimer definesound SLIM_ROAM slimrm.voc 0 0 3 0 0 definesound SLIM_RECOG slimrg.voc 0 0 3 0 0 definesound SLIM_ATTACK slimat.voc 0 0 3 0 0 definesound SLIM_PAIN slimpn.voc 0 0 3 0 0 definesound SLIM_DYING slimdy.voc 0 0 3 0 0 // BOSS1 definesound BOS1_ROAM bos1rm.voc 0 0 3 0 0 definesound BOS1_RECOG bos1rg.voc 0 0 5 0 0 definesound BOS1_ATTACK1 chaingun.voc 0 0 3 0 0 definesound BOS1_ATTACK2 rpgfire.voc 0 0 3 0 0 definesound BOS1_PAIN bos1pn.voc 0 0 3 0 0 definesound BOS1_DYING bos1dy.voc 0 0 3 0 0 definesound BOS1_WALK thud.voc 0 0 3 0 0 // BOSS2 definesound BOS2_ROAM bos2rm.voc 0 0 3 0 0 definesound BOS2_RECOG bos2rg.voc 0 0 3 0 0 definesound BOS2_ATTACK bos2at.voc 0 0 3 0 0 definesound BOS2_PAIN bos2pn.voc 0 0 3 0 0 definesound BOS2_DYING bos2dy.voc 0 0 3 0 0 // BOSS3 definesound BOS3_ROAM bos3rm.voc 0 0 3 0 0 definesound BOS3_RECOG bos3rg.voc 0 0 3 0 0 definesound BOS3_ATTACK1 bos3at.voc 0 0 3 0 0 definesound BOS3_ATTACK2 bos3at.voc 0 0 3 0 0 definesound BOS3_PAIN bos3pn.voc 0 0 3 0 0 definesound BOS3_DYING bos3dy.voc 0 0 3 0 0 // ************* // WEAPON SOUNDS // ************* definesound KICK_HIT kickhit.voc 0 0 4 0 0 definesound PISTOL_RICOCHET ricochet.voc 0 0 0 0 4096 definesound PISTOL_BODYHIT bulithit.voc 0 0 0 0 0 definesound PISTOL_FIRE pistol.voc -64 0 254 0 0 definesound EJECT_CLIP clipout.voc 0 0 3 0 0 definesound INSERT_CLIP clipin.voc 512 512 3 0 0 definesound CHAINGUN_FIRE chaingun.voc -32 32 254 0 512 definesound SHOTGUN_FIRE shotgun7.voc 0 512 254 0 0 definesound SHOTGUN_COCK shotgnck.voc 96 192 3 0 0 definesound RPG_SHOOT rpgfire.voc -32 0 4 0 0 definesound FLY_BY flyby.voc -256 256 3 0 0 definesound RPG_EXPLODE bombexpl.voc -1024 1024 254 0 0 definesound CAT_FIRE catfire.voc 512 768 4 0 0 definesound SHRINKER_FIRE shrinker.voc -512 0 4 0 0 definesound ACTOR_SHRINKING shrink.voc 0 0 2 0 0 definesound PIPEBOMB_BOUNCE pbombbnc.voc 0 0 2 0 5000 definesound PIPEBOMB_EXPLODE bombexpl.voc -512 0 128 0 0 definesound LASERTRIP_ONWALL lsrbmbpt.voc 0 0 3 0 0 definesound LASERTRIP_ARMING lsrbmbwn.voc 0 0 3 0 0 definesound LASERTRIP_EXPLODE bombexpl.voc -512 0 4 0 0 definesound NITEVISION_ONOFF goggle12.voc 0 0 0 0 0 definesound SELECT_WEAPON WPNSEL21.VOC 128 128 3 0 0 // Affect Environment Sounds definesound VENT_BUST ventbust.voc -32 32 2 0 0 definesound GLASS_BREAKING glass.voc -412 0 3 0 2048 definesound GLASS_HEAVYBREAK glashevy.voc -412 0 3 0 0 definesound SHORT_CIRCUIT shorted.voc 0 0 0 0 6500 definesound ITEM_SPLASH splash.voc 0 0 2 0 0 definesound BONUSMUSIC bonus.voc 0 0 255 1 0 // Duke's Body Sounds definesound DUKE_BREATHING hlminhal.voc 0 0 255 4 0 definesound DUKE_EXHALING hlmexhal.voc 0 0 255 4 0 definesound DUKE_GASP gasp.voc 0 0 255 4 0 definesound DUKE_URINATE pissing.voc 0 0 4 0 0 definesound DUKE_CRACK2 COMEON02.voc 0 0 255 4 0 definesound DUKE_CRACK WAITIN03.voc 0 0 255 4 0 definesound DUKE_TALKTOBOSSFALL DIESOB03.voc 0 0 255 12 0 definesound DUKE_CRACK_FIRST knuckle.voc 0 0 3 0 0 definesound DUKE_GET getitm19.voc 0 0 255 0 0 definesound DUKE_GETWEAPON1 cool01.voc 0 0 255 4 0 definesound DUKE_GETWEAPON2 getsom1a.voc 0 0 255 4 0 definesound DUKE_GETWEAPON3 groovy02.voc 0 0 255 4 0 definesound DUKE_GETWEAPON4 wansom4a.voc 0 0 255 4 0 definesound DUKE_GOTHEALTHATLOW needed03.voc 0 0 255 4 0 definesound DUKE_SEARCH pain87.voc 0 0 2 0 0 definesound DUKE_SEARCH2 whrsit05.voc 0 0 255 4 0 definesound DUKE_LONGTERM_PAIN gasps07.voc -192 0 255 4 0 definesound DUKE_PISSRELIEF ahmuch03.voc 0 0 255 4 0 // Duke Health Sounds definesound SOMETHINGHITFORCE teleport.voc 0 0 2 0 8192 definesound DUKE_DRINKING drink18.voc -128 128 2 4 0 definesound DUKE_KILLED1 damn03.voc 0 0 255 12 0 definesound DUKE_KILLED2 damnit04.voc 0 0 255 12 0 definesound DUKE_KILLED3 thsuk13a.voc 0 0 255 12 0 definesound DUKE_GRUNT exert.voc 0 0 2 0 0 definesound DUKE_DEAD DMDEATH.VOC -64 64 255 0 0 // definesound DUKE_PAIN1 pain13.voc 0 0 255 4 0 // definesound DUKE_PAIN2 pain28.voc 0 0 255 4 0 definesound DUKE_HARTBEAT hartbeat.voc 0 0 0 0 0 // Duke Movement Sounds definesound DUKE_ONWATER wetfeet.voc 0 0 4 0 0 definesound DUKE_LAND land02.voc 0 0 2 0 0 definesound DUKE_LAND_HURT BEAV.VOC 0 0 255 4 0 definesound DUKE_WALKINDUCTS ductwlk.voc -64 128 2 0 0 definesound DUKE_LOOKINTOMIRROR lookin01.voc 0 0 255 4 0 definesound DUKE_TIP1 WANT2FUC.voc 0 0 255 4 0 definesound DUKE_TIP2 TITTYS.VOC 0 0 255 4 0 definesound DUKE_BOOBY BOOBY04.voc 0 0 255 4 0 definesound DUKE_HIT_STRIPPER1 damnit04.voc 0 0 255 12 0 definesound DUKE_HIT_STRIPPER2 damn03.voc 0 0 255 12 0 definesound BONUS_SPEECH1 BEAV.VOC 0 0 255 4 0 definesound BONUS_SPEECH2 ready2a.voc 0 0 255 4 0 definesound BONUS_SPEECH3 ripem08.voc 0 0 255 4 0 definesound BONUS_SPEECH4 rockin02.voc 0 0 255 4 0 definesound DUKE_YES yes.voc 0 0 255 4 0 definesound DUKE_USEMEDKIT ahh04.voc 0 0 255 4 0 definesound DUKE_TAKEPILLS gulp01.voc 0 0 255 4 0 definesound DUKETALKTOBOSS duknuk14.voc 0 0 255 12 0 definesound BOSSTALKTODUKE !boss.voc 0 0 255 0 0 definesound SHRINKER_HIT thud.voc 0 0 3 0 0 // Duke Equipment Sounds definesound DUKE_UNDERWATER scuba.voc 0 0 2 0 0 definesound DUKE_JETPACK_ON jetpakon.voc 0 0 2 0 0 definesound DUKE_JETPACK_IDLE jetpaki.voc 0 0 1 0 0 definesound DUKE_JETPACK_OFF jetpakof.voc 0 0 2 0 0 // Common Death Sounds definesound FLESH_BURNING fire09.voc -256 0 0 0 6100 definesound THUD thud.voc 0 0 0 0 0 definesound SQUISHED squish.voc 0 0 0 0 0 // Equipment Sounds definesound TELEPORTER teleport.voc 0 0 0 0 0 definesound ELEVATOR_ON gbelev01.voc 0 0 0 0 0 definesound ELEVATOR_OFF gbelev02.voc 0 0 0 0 0 definesound SUBWAY subway.voc 0 0 0 0 0 definesound SWITCH_ON switch.voc 0 0 0 0 0 definesound FAN fan.voc 0 0 0 0 0 definesound FLUSH_TOILET flush.voc 0 0 3 2 0 definesound HOVER_CRAFT hover.voc 0 0 0 0 0 definesound EARTHQUAKE quake.voc 0 0 0 0 0 // Warning Sounds definesound INTRUDER_ALERT alert.voc 0 0 0 0 0 definesound END_OF_LEVEL_WARN monitor.voc 0 0 0 0 0 definesound POOLBALLHIT poolbal1.voc 0 0 0 0 0 // Ambience Sounds definesound ENGINE_OPERATING onboard.voc 0 0 0 2 0 definesound REACTOR_ON reactor.voc 0 0 0 2 0 definesound COMPUTER_AMBIENCE compamb.voc 0 0 0 2 0 definesound GEARS_GRINDING geargrnd.voc 0 0 0 2 0 definesound BUBBLE_AMBIENCE bubblamb.voc -256 0 0 2 0 definesound MACHINE_AMBIENCE machamb.voc 0 0 0 2 0 definesound SEWER_AMBIENCE drip3.voc 0 0 0 0 0 definesound WIND_AMBIENCE wind54.voc 0 0 0 3 0 definesound SOMETHING_DRIPPING drip3.voc 0 0 0 0 10000 definesound STEAM_HISSING steamhis.voc 0 0 0 0 4096 definesound BAR_MUSIC barmusic.voc 0 0 254 3 0 definesound DUKE_SCREAM DSCREM04.voc 0 0 255 0 0 definesound KILLME killme.voc -128 0 0 0 0 // Miscellaneous Sounds definesound START_FANFARE blank.voc 0 0 0 0 0 definesound DOOR_OPERATE1 slidoor.voc -256 0 0 0 0 definesound DOOR_OPERATE2 opendoor.voc -256 0 0 0 0 definesound DOOR_OPERATE3 edoor10.voc -256 0 0 0 0 definesound DOOR_OPERATE4 edoor11.voc -256 0 0 0 0 definesound DOOR_OPERATE5 blank.voc 0 0 0 0 0 definesound LADY_SCREAM FSCRM10.voc -256 0 254 0 0 definesound MONITOR_ACTIVE monitor.voc 0 0 0 0 0 definesound WATER_GURGLE h2ogrgl2.voc 0 0 1 2 9000 definesound EXITMENUSOUND item15.voc 0 0 0 0 0 definesound RATTY mice3.voc 0 0 0 0 0 definesound INTO_MENU bulithit.voc 1024 1024 0 0 0 // Six misc ambience city sounds definesound GENERIC_AMBIENCE1 grind.voc 0 0 0 1 0 definesound GENERIC_AMBIENCE2 enghum.voc 0 0 0 2 0 definesound GENERIC_AMBIENCE3 lava06.voc 0 0 0 2 0 definesound GENERIC_AMBIENCE4 bubblamb.voc -256 0 0 2 0 definesound GENERIC_AMBIENCE5 phonbusy.voc 0 0 0 0 0 definesound GENERIC_AMBIENCE6 roam22.voc 0 0 0 2 0 definesound GENERIC_AMBIENCE7 blank.voc 0 0 0 0 0 definesound GENERIC_AMBIENCE8 amb81b.voc 0 0 0 2 0 definesound GENERIC_AMBIENCE9 roam98b.voc 0 0 0 2 0 definesound GENERIC_AMBIENCE10 h2orush2.voc 0 0 0 3 0 definesound GENERIC_AMBIENCE11 projrun.voc 0 0 0 3 0 definesound GENERIC_AMBIENCE12 blank.voc 0 0 0 0 0 definesound GENERIC_AMBIENCE13 pay02.voc 0 0 255 12 0 definesound GENERIC_AMBIENCE14 onlyon03.voc 0 0 255 4 0 definesound GENERIC_AMBIENCE15 rides09.voc 0 0 255 4 0 definesound GENERIC_AMBIENCE16 doomed16.voc 0 0 255 4 0 definesound GENERIC_AMBIENCE17 myself3a.voc 0 0 255 4 0 definesound GENERIC_AMBIENCE18 blank.voc 0 0 0 0 0 definesound GENERIC_AMBIENCE19 blank.voc 0 0 0 0 0 definesound GENERIC_AMBIENCE20 blank.voc 0 0 0 0 0 definesound GENERIC_AMBIENCE21 !prison.voc 0 0 255 4 0 definesound GENERIC_AMBIENCE22 vpiss2.voc 0 0 255 4 0 definesound FIRE_CRACKLE fire09.voc 0 0 254 2 0 definesound FEM1_SPEECH blank.voc 0 0 254 0 0 definesound FEM2_SPEECH blank.voc 0 0 254 0 0 definesound FEM3_SPEECH blank.voc 0 0 254 0 0 definesound JIBBED_ACTOR1 AMESS06.voc 0 0 255 4 0 definesound JIBBED_ACTOR2 BITCHN04.voc 0 0 255 12 0 definesound JIBBED_ACTOR3 HOLYCW01.voc 0 0 255 4 0 definesound JIBBED_ACTOR4 HOLYSH02.voc 0 0 255 12 0 definesound JIBBED_ACTOR5 IMGOOD12.voc 0 0 255 12 0 definesound JIBBED_ACTOR6 ISUCK.VOC 0 0 255 4 0 definesound JIBBED_ACTOR7 GOTHRT01.voc 0 0 255 4 0 definesound WAR_AMBIENCE1 WARAMB13.VOC -512 0 254 16 0 definesound WAR_AMBIENCE2 WARAMB21.VOC -512 0 254 16 0 definesound WAR_AMBIENCE3 WARAMB23.VOC -512 0 254 16 0 definesound WAR_AMBIENCE4 WARAMB29.VOC -512 0 254 16 0 definesound WAR_AMBIENCE5 blank.voc 0 0 0 0 0 definesound WAR_AMBIENCE6 blank.voc 0 0 0 0 0 definesound WAR_AMBIENCE7 blank.voc 0 0 0 0 0 definesound WAR_AMBIENCE8 blank.voc 0 0 0 0 0 definesound WAR_AMBIENCE9 blank.voc 0 0 0 0 0 definesound WAR_AMBIENCE10 blank.voc 0 0 0 0 0 definesound WAR_AMBIENCE11 blank.voc 0 0 0 0 0 definesound WAR_AMBIENCE12 blank.voc 0 0 0 0 0